3 种开花美丽的一年生植物

Jeffrey Williams 20-10-2023
Jeffrey Williams

我喜欢在我的容器、花边和高床中种植各种花朵美丽的一年生植物,以增加视觉趣味,同时也是为了经常光顾我的可食用花园的传粉昆虫(我们喜欢把这种在可食用花园中种植观赏植物的想法称为花园闺蜜,反之亦然)。 我每年都会在花园、高床和容器中种植三种一年生花卉:紫云英、我有几个最喜欢的品种,但每个园艺季节似乎都会有新的品种上市。



2018 年,我爱上了 "全美精选"(All-America Selections)奖得主奎妮-莱姆橙(Queeny Lime Orange)。 我的另一个最爱是 "波斯地毯"(Persian Carpet)。

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金莲花是我的另一个花园必备之物。 它们是容器中的最佳 "花洒",我用可食用的花朵来装饰夏季沙拉和甜点,叶子也可食用。 金莲花也是授粉者的 "磁铁",可用作蚜虫的诱捕作物。 我喜欢种植攀爬凤凰。 它的花瓣与传统的金莲花品种非常不同--花瓣呈锯齿状,而大多数金莲花品种的花瓣都是锯齿状的。我的种子是从 Renee's Garden 买的。 2019 年,我期待种植 Baby Rose,我在 2019 年新植物一文中提到过它。

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See_also: 悬挂式多肉植物:16 种最适合种植的蔓生家庭植物 在 Instagram 上查看此帖子

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See_also: 冬季种植莴苣:种植、生长&;保护冬季莴苣 在 Instagram 上查看此帖子

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什么是 您的 最喜欢的一年生植物?


Jeffrey Williams

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate writer, horticulturist, and garden enthusiast. With years of experience in the gardening world, Jeremy has developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of cultivating and growing vegetables. His love for nature and the environment has driven him to contribute to sustainable gardening practices through his blog. With an engaging writing style and a knack for delivering valuable tips in a simplified manner, Jeremy's blog has become a go-to resource for both seasoned gardeners and beginners alike. Whether it's tips on organic pest control, companion planting, or maximizing space in a small garden, Jeremy's expertise shines through, providing readers with practical solutions to enhance their gardening experiences. He believes that gardening not only nourishes the body but also nurtures the mind and soul, and his blog reflects this philosophy. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys experimenting with new plant varieties, exploring botanical gardens, and inspiring others to connect with nature through the art of gardening.