
Jeffrey Williams 20-10-2023
Jeffrey Williams

我得承认,我是个疏忽大意的牡丹妈妈。 每年春天,我都打算在牡丹新芽破土而出时在周围加些支撑物,但春天的其他工作吸引了我的注意力,不知不觉中,植物就长满了嫩芽。


我在院子里种了大约八株牡丹,它们在春天都会开出深浅不一的粉色花朵。 它们不会同时开花,所以每到牡丹盛开的季节,我就能在花瓶中欣赏到几周新切的牡丹花。 不过,如果我在早春多加留意,我还能在花园中欣赏到更长时间的牡丹花。 牡丹花的花期是 重型 如果没有某种支撑系统,它们就会张开,然后只要下一场大雨或刮一阵大风,它们就会翻倒。

See_also: 冬季种植莴苣:种植、生长&;保护冬季莴苣


您可以使用几种不同类型的支撑物。 有一种特制的牡丹吊环,看起来很像番茄笼(当然,您也可以使用番茄笼,这取决于植物的大小)。 我看到园艺师建议在秋季剪掉植物后添加支撑物。 这样,春天植物开始生长时,支撑物就已经在那里了。

Peony's Envy 是一家将牡丹运往全美的苗圃和展示园,它在网站上提供了一些很好的图解,展示了支持牡丹的不同方法。 我想今年春天我会尝试围栏的方法,但一定要在牡丹长出新芽之前就把围栏安好。 我还发现了这个很酷的装置。 我还会尝试一个普通的牡丹笼,这样我就能比较哪种方法最有效。

See_also: 种植罗马生菜:从播种到收获指南



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Jeffrey Williams

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate writer, horticulturist, and garden enthusiast. With years of experience in the gardening world, Jeremy has developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of cultivating and growing vegetables. His love for nature and the environment has driven him to contribute to sustainable gardening practices through his blog. With an engaging writing style and a knack for delivering valuable tips in a simplified manner, Jeremy's blog has become a go-to resource for both seasoned gardeners and beginners alike. Whether it's tips on organic pest control, companion planting, or maximizing space in a small garden, Jeremy's expertise shines through, providing readers with practical solutions to enhance their gardening experiences. He believes that gardening not only nourishes the body but also nurtures the mind and soul, and his blog reflects this philosophy. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys experimenting with new plant varieties, exploring botanical gardens, and inspiring others to connect with nature through the art of gardening.