
Jeffrey Williams 20-10-2023
Jeffrey Williams

几年前,我在皇家植物园的一年生植物温室做志愿者时,做了各种各样的工作。 冬天的某一天,我的工作是把装满娇嫩小苗的平底锅分开,然后把它们放到各自的花盆里。 猜猜我最值钱的工具是什么? 一根筷子。 一位志愿者教了我一个筷子尖,可以轻轻地把小苗放到花盆里。将生长过于紧密的秧苗分开。

这看起来很简单,但对我来说却非常有用。 我总是用镊子把幼苗拔出来,然后丢掉。 但你不必让这些多余的幼苗白白浪费掉。 你可以把它们全部移植到自己的花盆里,我们在温室里就是这么做的,因为我们要为植物销售做准备。

这对不易察觉的小花种子特别有用。 你可以把它们撒在一个花盆里,然后再担心如何把最强壮的种子分离出来。 有时我会把一粒种子放在一个花盆里,但对于较小的植物,我会分离出两三株小植物。





See_also: 公寓植物:15 种最适合公寓生活的室内植物

相关文章:给幼苗上盆 101


See_also: 甜木香:绿荫花园中迷人的地被植物选择

Jeffrey Williams

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate writer, horticulturist, and garden enthusiast. With years of experience in the gardening world, Jeremy has developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of cultivating and growing vegetables. His love for nature and the environment has driven him to contribute to sustainable gardening practices through his blog. With an engaging writing style and a knack for delivering valuable tips in a simplified manner, Jeremy's blog has become a go-to resource for both seasoned gardeners and beginners alike. Whether it's tips on organic pest control, companion planting, or maximizing space in a small garden, Jeremy's expertise shines through, providing readers with practical solutions to enhance their gardening experiences. He believes that gardening not only nourishes the body but also nurtures the mind and soul, and his blog reflects this philosophy. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys experimenting with new plant varieties, exploring botanical gardens, and inspiring others to connect with nature through the art of gardening.