
Jeffrey Williams 20-10-2023
Jeffrey Williams

几年前,我在一本杂志上看到了一张生菜桌的图片,我知道这是我最终想为自己制作的东西。 这个想法吸引了我的绿色拇指和我的手工艺。 当我开始写我的书时、 高床革命 我决定,这个项目在我的花园愿望清单上已经徘徊了足够长的时间,而一个新的图书项目为我提供了一个绝佳的机会,让我行动起来,最终做出这个该死的东西。

生菜桌是一个非常受欢迎的项目,也是采访中提到的主要项目之一,您可以在 Creative Green Living 和 DIY Network 的 Made+Remade 博客上找到相关说明。

See_also: 种植和制作高架花坛的技巧



我不想只用全新的木材做一张桌子,而是想给书中的这个 DIY 增加一点风格。 我本来是想找一些古董桌腿(我打算另外做一个盒子放在上面),但当我在离家不远的一个古董市场闲逛时,我发现了这个可爱的古董小东西。 商贩抱歉地解释说,桌子的桌面是我怀疑顶部和底部原本并不是一对,但我并不在意,因为没有顶部其实是一种额外的收获!这让我更容易想出一个计划,将旧桌子改造成我的生菜桌。 我有了我的古董桌腿,但我也有了一个很好的框架来制作顶部。

我的生菜桌就摆在后甲板上,四季供应各种蔬菜:莴苣、红帆生菜、小白菜、Lolla rosa 黑生菜、托斯卡纳小叶甘蓝和 "红石榴 "苋菜。 我喜欢自己动手制作沙拉!您觉得怎么样?


See_also: 维纳斯捕蝇器的护理:如何给这种多肉植物浇水、护理和喂食

Jeffrey Williams

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate writer, horticulturist, and garden enthusiast. With years of experience in the gardening world, Jeremy has developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of cultivating and growing vegetables. His love for nature and the environment has driven him to contribute to sustainable gardening practices through his blog. With an engaging writing style and a knack for delivering valuable tips in a simplified manner, Jeremy's blog has become a go-to resource for both seasoned gardeners and beginners alike. Whether it's tips on organic pest control, companion planting, or maximizing space in a small garden, Jeremy's expertise shines through, providing readers with practical solutions to enhance their gardening experiences. He believes that gardening not only nourishes the body but also nurtures the mind and soul, and his blog reflects this philosophy. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys experimenting with new plant varieties, exploring botanical gardens, and inspiring others to connect with nature through the art of gardening.