
Jeffrey Williams 20-10-2023
Jeffrey Williams

几年前,我发现番茄很容易种植(它们的自播能力很强,但那是另一回事了!)。 我还发现它们混合在辣调味汁中是多么美味。 今年,由于科罗拉多马铃薯甲虫的问题,更不用说安大略省南部的季节开始得太晚了,我的番茄还远远没有准备好。 去年这个时候,我已经在采摘了。不过,我还是从当地农贸市场买了一些,这样我就能做出这个莎莎酱食谱了!



* 大约 10 到 12 个中等大小的番茄(大约李子或高尔夫球大小,如果个头小,可以多用一些)

* 1 个小辣椒(如果你喜欢辣味的话

* 1 至 2 瓣蒜蓉(我用细刨丝器将蒜蓉直接刨到食物处理器中)

See_also: 罗勒多久浇一次水:花盆和花园中的成功秘诀

* 1 汤匙酸橙汁

* 2 茶匙液体蜂蜜

* 少许盐

* 2 至 4 个葱,切成薄片,或新鲜韭菜(可选)

* 新鲜香菜(可选)

See_also: 晚季灌木营造秋季美景


把番茄的外皮去掉,冲洗一下,去除粘乎乎的外衣和杂物。 擦干水分,放在涂了少许橄榄油的饼干盘上(我用铝箔纸盖饼干盘,以保护我的平底锅)。

西红柿和辣椒烤 5 分钟,然后翻面再烤 5 分钟。一切都会开始起泡,偶尔会有西红柿爆裂开来(搅拌时一定要舀出所有汁液,以免浪费!)。




Jeffrey Williams

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate writer, horticulturist, and garden enthusiast. With years of experience in the gardening world, Jeremy has developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of cultivating and growing vegetables. His love for nature and the environment has driven him to contribute to sustainable gardening practices through his blog. With an engaging writing style and a knack for delivering valuable tips in a simplified manner, Jeremy's blog has become a go-to resource for both seasoned gardeners and beginners alike. Whether it's tips on organic pest control, companion planting, or maximizing space in a small garden, Jeremy's expertise shines through, providing readers with practical solutions to enhance their gardening experiences. He believes that gardening not only nourishes the body but also nurtures the mind and soul, and his blog reflects this philosophy. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys experimenting with new plant varieties, exploring botanical gardens, and inspiring others to connect with nature through the art of gardening.